domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

Today I ...

... watched E! News while having breakfast.
... help a guy cheat on his physics exam.
... kind of flirt with the guy, and got his email.
... shared my umbrella with a stranger.
... ate too much mints from my mom's office.
... got my right foot soaking wet.
... i spotted the cutest umbrella ever.
... said thanks to the cashier at the cafeteria
.... watch an old episode of CSI that I've never seen before.
... bought a bottle of juice wich in the front says "100 % natural" but in the back you can read it is made of artifitial flavors.

Basically that was my day.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

Bajo Arresto Domiciliario

Wanna go outside and play.

I'm a DORK!

(An egocentric post)
  1. I like to wear sunglasses indoors.
  2. I think the notes I take in math class are beautiful.
  3. I don't like to drink Iced Tea without ice.
  4. I'm afraid of the dark.
  5. Hitting the "RANDOM ARTICLE" bottom on Wikipedia is exiting for me.
  6. I have a "to google" list.
  7. I love Origami.
  8. I've seen every episode of Gilmore Girls almost a hundred times, and I laugh every time like it was the first.
  9. I like spending most of the day in pijamas.
  10. I like buying colorfull underwear.
  11. Most of the things I know I learnd it from the Internet or TV.
  12. I want to be an english teacher.
  13. I sing in the shower, or talk to myself, most of the time in english.
  14. I swear watching CSI have improven my senses.
  15. I don't own a watch.
  16. I don't like sports.
  17. I like to seat in the front of the class.
  18. I keep a little bottle of bubble mix on my purse.
  19. I can't swim.
  20. I have the worst memory.
    (To be continued)

But I know U love me anyways.


jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008

En busca de la belleza

En busca de la belleza la Condesa de Transilvania Erzsébet Báthory, se convirtió en la primera asesina en serie de la historia, habiendo matado al rededor de 600 personas, con el fin de suplir sus baños diarios de sangre, los cuales, según ella, matenían su piel reluciente y joven. (kul, isnt it?)

En busca de la belleza nos sometemos a largas rutinas acicalamiento, utilizando instrumentos de tortura: pinzas, blowers, tenazas, pinchos, tijeras, cepillos, pinceles, cera caliente...

En busca de la belleza gastamos gran parte de nuestro ingreso en pociones mágicas, para quitar lo que no aceptamos, y agregar lo que "necesitamos".

En fin, todo por la belleza, no?